28.13 Favourite hosted notebook products

Favourite hosted notebook products are shown in the graph below

The last Qualification which is cut off in the legend in the plot above reads “Some college/university study without earning a bachelor’s degree”

Hosted notebooks offer a very easy and comfortable start into writing machine learning code. Some of them are free. Some of them provide many examples from which valuable techniques can be learned.

List of hosted notebooks

  • Kaggle Notebooks
    • Great place to find machine learning examples
  • Google Colab
    • Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in the cloud
  • Binder
    • Open notebooks in executable environment
  • Microsoft Azure Notebooks
    • Develop and run code from anywhere with Jupyter notebooks on Azure
  • Paperspace
    • Powering next-generation applications and cloud ML/AI pipelines.